Why broken links on major websites pose big problems that most companies aren’t aware of.
Vancouver, BC – March 25, 2014 – LinkTiger is on a mission to bring awareness to some of the big problems that are caused by broken links on corporate websites. While it may seem like a simple concept, over the last year, 20 of the largest companies listed on the S&P 500 had more than 100,000 broken links on their websites collectively. These broken links can lead to lost customers, lost revenues and a poor corporate reputation.
Led by Steve Moskowski, President and CEO of LinkTiger, this benchmarking exercise has identified several challenges for large organizations. As companies invest more into SEO and digital marketing practices, link quality seems to be deteriorating and getting lost in the shuffle. “Last time we did this exercise was in 2012, and we found a broken link rate of 2.9%. This time, however, that number has increased to just over 6%. Typical buying patterns are changing for consumers and the internet is becoming an integral part of their shopping process. If they come across a webpage that doesn’t exist or they cannot access information about a product, they’re just going to move on.”
Among those brands with higher than 30% of broken links on their website were Nike (33%) and Qualcomm (50%) with more than 75,000 and 4,700 dead links, respectively.
“The good news is, we provide a solution that is easy to use and quickly becomes a cost effective way to fix this problem. Addressing the issue of link rot is a simple way to drastically improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and your overall customer experience.” Concluded Moskowski. “As companies continue to invest more in their digital presence it becomes extremely important that they also consider a solution that maintains their link quality. What we offer teams is an automated platform with a simple, clean interface that can be quickly understood by anyone in your business. It is this ease of use that has inspired us to put out the challenge for companies to strive to be broken-link free by 2015.”
As the internet continues to grow and evolve, organizations need to ensure they have procedures in place to identify these occurrences of breakage in real-time. Companies who do this can expect an immediate increase in web traffic, customer satisfaction, lead generation and most importantly sales revenues.
About LinkTiger
LinkTiger.com hunts your website for broken links 7 days a week, 365 days a year! When errors occur, our link checker will make you the first to know. For more information visit http://www.linktiger.com/.